Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Cell - Regeneration of...

“All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared.” - Herings Law of Cure.

Modern science and medicine has achieved great advances in understanding the molecular structure of life. Technological advances have provided medications and surgical procedures that prolong life and relieve symptoms. Yet;

These discoveries can only support the body’s own inherent intelligence and ability to reconstruct itself.

Every minute millions of cells are dying and millions more being reborn. The body creates 2.5 billion red blood cells per second! With in 11 months not a single cell that is in the body today (except for brain cells) will still be there.

Yet this miraculous process requires the right conditions in which to operate or else it will begin to slow and stop – death. Dr. Alexis Carroll of the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’ performed remarkable experiments to show that under stable conditions, cells could live for a very long time – if not indefinitely. He observed that;

“The cell is immortal, it is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at intervals, give the cell something on which to feed and, so far as we know, the pulsation of life my go on forever”.

Our cells are alive. The human body; made up of some 100 trillion cells, begins as a single cell consisting of three parts – the membrane (outer wall), which houses the nucleus (brain) and cytoplasm (inner environment). Nutrients that pass through the membrane are metabolized and converted to energy to fuel the function of the cell. As with any energetic transfer, a waste product is produced that must be allowed to pass back out for removal from the body. Any impairment in the membranes ability to let nutrients in or waste out will result in the death of the cell, our most basic unit of life.

When we eat we are putting our organism to work. Every single aspect; from buying, preparing, chewing, digesting and eliminating costs us energy. Modern society has invented substances to preserve the shelf-life, colour and fragrance of food using laboratory chemicals that cannot be processed by our cells and thus accumulate as toxins and waste.

Poor bowel management lies at the root of most peoples illness, disability and dis-ease. Auto-intoxication (creating a toxic state) places a burden on the ability of every organ in the body to function.

Years ago we realized that many of man’s diseases came from lack of sanitation. We allowed urine and faeces to travel through the streets until underground sewers were invented to take away harmful waste – in London this led to Bubonic Plague. The Colon acts as our body’s elimination channel or sewer. Just as a power failure in a cities sewerage system would result in a back-up and blockage that would quickly lead to a sanitation problem, so too any problems in the colons ability to eliminate waste immediately causes health issues. A power failure can be likened to the lack of energy supplied to our digestive system when the foods we eat are nutritionally deficient and artificially preserved.

Industrialized nations in the West have by far the largest numbers of bowel related disorders in the world. The major contributing factor is their straying away from simple, natural lifestyles. In particular it is found that the food situation in these countries is far removed from traditional growing practise. Economic factors totally overrule other considerations in food production. Foods are hybridized to promote higher yields, meet process and harvest requirements and have cost effective shelf-lives. Processed, pre-cooked and preserved foods do not react well in the human body.

Just as a car cannot run on anything other than petrol, the digestive system simply cannot process non-foods.

As a result of poor food conditions, the body is not able to gain proper nutrition and so is not supplied with the fuel it needs to counter the effects of the energetic expenditure used when we eat. A downward spiral begins whereby…

The colon begins to get backed-up; waste material sits around longer, beginning to putrefy and decay. Extra energy is then required to eliminate the extra waste, but it is not supplied by the nutrient deficient foods we are taking in. Accumulation becomes the breading ground for unhealthy bacteria’s that begins to poison the system and become absorbed into the blood stream for damaging distribution to the rest of the body.


To attempt to take care of any symptom in the body without a good elimination channel is futile. Last year, laxative sales in the US were conservatively placed at $350 million! Constipation is the clogging-up of the large intestine (colon). A build-up of mucus around the bowel wall narrows the passage through which faeces can pass through. A dirty bowel harbours a wide variety of bacteria and parasites.

Intestinal constipation leads to cellular constipation, increasing the workload of the body’s other excretory (discharge) organs – the kidneys, skin, liver, lungs and lymph. As the functioning of these organs becomes depleted; cellular metabolism (energetic conversion) becomes depleted, repair and growth are delayed and the ability to eliminate waste is lowered. The cells, rather than being alive and active, become dead and inactive. This process results in the functional ability of tissues and organs being dangerously decreased.

Medication and anti-biotics have devastating effects on beneficial intestinal flora. Laxatives are irritant and tire out the bowel muscles by keeping it constantly working. Low water consumption leads to dehydration which causes tissues (groups of cells) and fluids to thicken and become sticky, hindering movement of faeces. Lack of movement or exercise fails to tone and massage the digestive system causing it to become sluggish and lazy. Over time we become lethargic and have less energy to fight off ailments.

Relating this to the current medical condition of my mother, I have begun to educate her on ways and means to improve her diet, and introduced her to some of the physical practices of yoga in order that she strengthen and tone her internal organs.
I believe that by encouraging her system to rid itself of years of accumulated toxicity caused by medication and poor food choices, she will begin to experience a marked improvement in the symptoms of her diagnosed dis-order. Observations will be reported at a later stage.

The contents of this report were adapted from the work of Susana L. Belen and Dr. Bernard Jensen.

In Love and Light x

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